Unraveling the Omniverse
What is the True Nature of the Universe?
Ever wonder what the universe truly is? Is it a neural network—an ever-evolving, learning system? A holographic universe, where our reality exists on a cosmic 2D plane? What about a simulation—are you and I merely pawns in a superior species’ experiment? Are we in a Multiverse—one universe among many? Or a single world among many?
All of these possibilities are potential realities within the Omniverse, just not as they are currently understood.
The Multi-Layered Structure of the Omniverse
The Omniverse is a multi-layered structure of realms coexisting within the same space, separated only by their frequencies. There are only four realms that make up the Omniverse—the Spiritual, Physical, Astral, and Dream realms. Each realm contains pocket or bubble dimensions that may be either temporary or permanent. These bubble dimensions exist parallel to but within the same space as their parent realm. Each realm has a distinct frequency and vibrational resonance, which keeps it separate from the others.
The Four Realms of the Omniverse
The Spiritual Realm – The Origin of Souls and Celestial Beings
The Spiritual Realm consists of pure energy—a plane where spiritual beings reside and begin their existence. Souls, celestial beings, and deities are created here. The pocket dimensions within this realm are linked to eternal places, often perceived physically as heavens and hells. Each pocket dimension is created by a deity—shaped according to the beliefs and spiritual structures of those who follow them—and exists throughout the Omniverse.
The Physical Realm – The Evolution of Life and Matter
The Physical Realm consists of all physical matter and associated forces, providing an environment where physical evolution progresses. This realm serves as a hands-on experience for souls, guiding them through their evolutionary journey.
The Physical Realm operates under specific mechanics governing everything from planetary formation to cellular development. Only deities imparted with the knowledge of these mechanisms can fully understand and manipulate physical evolutionary processes.
Pocket dimensions within the Physical Realm exist parallel to the primary physical plane. These are created when sentient or capable beings explore dimensional travel. Such bubble dimensions only exist as long as an individual or group remains within them, serving as an exploration of potential realities that could have been.
The Astral Realm – The Bridge Between Worlds
The Astral Realm is another pure energy realm, acting as a bridge between sentient beings across vast distances and even different times.
It allows physical beings to interact with one another beyond physical limitations.
Spiritual beings also have access to the Astral Realm and can learn to interact within it.
Pocket dimensions in the Astral Realm are manipulated by those who have learned to control their astral actions. When a person enters the Astral Realm from the Physical Realm, they may unknowingly enter a bubble dimension created by themselves or others.
Since these astral bubbles exist only while occupied, it is difficult to return to the exact same place within the Astral Realm. Once a traveler leaves, their bubble collapses and returns to its primal astral state.
The Dream Realm – The Subconscious Gateway
The Dream Realm is also composed of pure energy, but its purpose and structure differ from the other realms.
Its primary function is to allow the subconscious mind to interact with both physical and occasionally soul memories.
This realm exists in the same space as the others but is primarily composed of temporary pocket dimensions—one for each subconscious mind actively dreaming.
Some deities and spiritual beings reside permanently within the Dream Realm, either within their own bubble dimensions or wandering through the in-between spaces of temporary and permanent dream constructs.
Once a subconscious mind leaves the Dream Realm, its bubble ceases to exist, returning to primal dream energy—only to form anew the next time the mind enters.
The Frequencies That Separate the Realms
This is the true reality of the Omniverse—a structure full of potential and possibilities that coexist while remaining distinct.
Each realm is separated by specific frequencies and vibrational resonances, even though they occupy the same space. These frequencies align with brainwave patterns in sentient beings:
Theta waves closely match the Astral Realm’s frequency, allowing the conscious mind to travel there in a meditative state.
Delta waves are similar to the Dream Realm’s frequency, which is why most people dream in this state.
The Dream Realm is closer to the Spiritual Realm, allowing soul memories to filter into dreams.
The Astral Realm is more closely aligned with the Physical Realm, enabling abilities such as remote viewing and traversing its surface.
The Great Barrier: Where Creation Meets the Void
Beyond the Omniverse, there exists only the destructive Void—an endless expanse of nothingness. The Omniverse continually expands into this Void through the Great Barrier, a boundary caught in an eternal cycle of destruction and restoration. As creation reaches outward, the Void consumes, yet the Omniverse rebuilds, maintaining the balance between existence and nothingness. It is the infinite pressing against the infinite absence, an unending paradox that shapes the very fabric of reality.
Final Thoughts – The Nature of the Omniverse
The Omniverse is a vast, layered existence where realms coexist, yet remain distinct through vibrational resonance. While mainstream theories such as the holographic universe, simulation theory, and the multiverse attempt to explain reality, they only scratch the surface of the true Omniversal structure.