The Soul: A Journey of Evolution and Independence
The Birth of a Soul: Pure Energy with Infinite Potential
“What is a soul at the moment of its creation?”
Souls are born as balls of pure energy on the spiritual realm, without inherent knowledge, power, or form. At creation, every soul receives the same foundational knowledge: an understanding of their evolutionary process and the basic functions needed to progress toward their ultimate state. The end state of every soul is to evolve into a Soulestial Being—the lowest tier of celestial existence. Unlike other celestial beings, who are created as extensions of deities, Soulestial Beings are unique in their independence. This distinction sets them apart within the celestial hierarchy.
Two Paths of Soul Creation
Souls are created in two ways: as a natural process of the Omniverse and by deities.
The Omniverse’s Natural Process: The Omniverse generates souls in response to the physical realm’s needs, ensuring that sentient life has the vital connection required to exist. When the demand for souls exceeds the number available—such as when sentient species experience exponential population growth—new souls are naturally formed to maintain balance.
The Deities’ Attempt at Creation: Deities attempt to create souls with the hope that, once they evolve into Soulestial Beings, they will remain loyal to them. However, this effort has almost always failed, as a soul’s autonomy prevents forced allegiance. Despite this, some deities persist, hoping to influence the course of a soul’s evolution.
The Fusion of Soul and Body
A soul merges with a physical body before birth, supplying the essential energy needed for the body to develop its own distinct consciousness and identity. Once merged, the soul permeates every layer of the body anchoring itself in physical matter. This bond remains unbroken until death, when a soul is released back into the spiritual realm.
The Veil of Forgotten Knowledge
“If your soul is eternal, why can’t you remember your past lives?”
While the soul retains its own identity and memories, these remain veiled from the physical mind due to the difference in spiritual frequency. However, certain practices—such as advanced past life regression or experiences in the dream realm—may occasionally allow glimpses of the soul’s past.
These fragmented memories often provide glimpses into the soul’s past lives, some of which may have taken place on other inhabited planets in the Omniverse.
In some cases, these glimpses—especially those involving existence as an unfamiliar sentient species—can manifest as physical experiences that are later interpreted as alien abductions.
The Path to Soulestial Being: A Journey Across Incarnations
To become a Soulestial Being, a soul must accumulate knowledge, experience, power, and understanding equal to that of the lowest celestial being. This is achieved through multiple incarnations in the physical realm.
Between lives, a soul oversees its own reincarnation process, choosing when and where to be reborn based on what it seeks to learn.
From the spiritual realm, a soul can observe potential parents and glimpse possible life paths based on their circumstances.
However, because physical consciousness operates independently, these plans do not always unfold as intended. Regardless of the choices made in life, each experience contributes to the soul’s growth.
The Purpose of Non-Sentient Incarnations
“Do souls only exist within sentient beings?”
Not at all. Souls may also choose to incarnate as non-sentient beings—such as animals, fish, or insects—depending on their learning objectives. This is not karmic judgment or setback in their spiritual evolution; rather, many souls take on these lives for specific experiences that contribute to their growth. These incarnations are a deliberate part of the soul’s path toward becoming a Soulestial Being, allowing them to gain unique insights from different forms of existence.
Vital Energy vs. Souls: The Life Force of Non-Sentient Beings
All non-sentient creatures do not require a soul, as they function purely through vital energy. It is important to clarify that non-sentient creatures, and sentient beings are not provided the vital energy from the same source.
Sentient beings require a soul to fully achieve consciousness.
Non-sentient creatures, however, receive their vital energy directly from the spiritual realm.
Upon death, this vital energy returns to the spiritual realm, erased of all identity.
Yet, some creatures develop enough spiritual awareness to persist beyond death, evolving into spiritual beings. Those that become powerful enough may even exhibit supernatural abilities when they return to the physical realm—such as the legendary old elk from hunters’ stories or the white stag.
The Soul’s Perspective vs. Human Perception
“Are you truly the same person as your soul, or is there more to your identity?”
We often perceive our soul as synonymous with our immediate existence, but this is a limitation of humanity’s perception.
A soul has its own identity, allowing us to exist in our respective time and form during each life it experiences.
However, the soul’s identity does not override our separate physical consciousness.
The soul chooses its potential journey in the physical realm, but our consciousness is the driver of that life.
A Soul’s Freedom of Choice
Souls are not limited to experiencing life only as sentient beings.
They can incarnate as any species, sentient or non-sentient, anywhere in the Omniverse.
Each incarnation provides a valuable lesson for the soul’s growth.
The Enduring Nature of the Soul
Your experiences in this life are not yours alone—they are part of your soul’s greater journey. No matter the challenges you face, your soul endures.