What Panomniism is Not
A Path Beyond Control, Authority, and Blind Faith
“Faith does not equate to absolute submission to established authority.”
Breaking Free from Control
Panomniism is unbounded from control, rigid belief, or blind faith. It has no desire to impose spiritual authority, prescribe rituals, or demand obedience to a singular path. Its open framework within the boundaries of absolute spiritual laws provides a deeper understanding of the Omniverse and one’s place within it.
“Is spirituality about control or discovery?”
No Hierarchical Authority Over Belief
Throughout history, many religious and spiritual movements have shaped belief and understanding through interpretation by authority figures. Panomniism acknowledges some individuals seek a more structured hierarchal system to support their beliefs and faith. Panomniism does not require religious or spiritual leaders to demand blind faith and obedience, adherence to rituals or dogma, or restrict individuals’ freedom to question.
“Who decides what is sacred—institutions or individuals?”
No Demand for Conformity
“The Omniverse is limitless—why should belief be confined?”
Whether exploring alone, with others, or in an already established belief system, Panomniism does not seek conformity. It encourages individuals to question and examine their own beliefs. There is no singular interpretation of sacred knowledge that represents the absolute truth of Panomniism, which embraces infinite potential.
Power Belongs to the Individual
“Who holds the true power in spirituality?”
In other belief systems, authority figures are typically the ones who perform rites, rituals, and ceremonies. In Panomniism, however, individual or collective practitioners hold the power to conduct religious ceremonies, whether derived from established systems or created as unique practices. This means that, even within hierarchical, established belief systems, individuals may choose to perform rites and ceremonies that belong to those systems, independent of the prescribed authority. The power lies in the individual, not in authority figures who seek to control or sway their followers. Faith does not equate to absolute submission to established authority.
Acknowledging Other Traditions
Panomniism recognizes the importance of other religious and spiritual traditions, as they signify different aspects of the Omniverse’s potential. It also acknowledges that many systems hold fragments of the sacred knowledge within their doctrine. Throughout history, some individuals or organizations have obstructed access to the full scope of sacred knowledge. They often discourage questions and curiosity from those seeking clarity or deeper meaning that challenges established doctrines.
“Can all belief systems hold pieces of the same truth?”
Rejecting the Suppression of Knowledge
Throughout key moments in human evolution, divine figures have chosen individuals to share sacred knowledge with humanity. However, some of these individuals or those they shared this knowledge with, censored it personal or political gain. Panomniism defies this suppression and manipulation, offering an unrestricted path to sacred knowledge through the Omnilestial Codex.
Not a Replacement for Other Beliefs
“Your faith, your path—Panomniism isn’t here to convert you.”
Panomniism does not seek to replace existing belief systems, nor does it aim to convert those that follow other traditions. Other belief systems are among the possibilities that exist within the infinite potential of the Omniverse. To deny them is to deny the Omniverse’s potential. Panomniism offers a broader lens to explore the world and the Omniverse, one that encompasses all perspectives rooted in the Omniverse’s potential.
A Call to Seek Knowledge
Panomniism does not demand blind faith nor obedience to institutions or figures claiming an exclusive path to truth. It calls on individuals to seek knowledge, reclaim the understanding withheld throughout history, and explore the Omniverse with clarity.
“Knowledge is power—reclaim the understanding hidden from you.”