The Messenger

Prophetic Dreams and the Omnilestial Codex: A Messenger’s Journey

The Beginning

Few were chosen, and even fewer crossed paths—but the knowledge was the same. Was it coincidence, or something greater?

In the early 1990’s, a small number of individuals were chosen as messengers to receive the knowledge contained within the Omnilestial Codex. Among them was the founder of the Sacred Omnilestial Order of Universal Learning and Knowledge, entrusted with preserving and sharing these sacred teachings. Though others acquired this knowledge through their own spiritual sources, by chance the founder encountered fewer than five others who walked this path.

Prophetic Dreams and the Omnilestial Codex: A Journey of Divine Knowledge

Prophetic Dreams and a Shift During the Pandemic

This shift in roles came during the Covid pandemic, when the founder was instructed to review the prophetic dreams he had in his youth. The divine source also alluded to re-examining the prophetic dream of his brother’s death—more specifically, the significance of the city in that particular vison and its relevance to current events. In the dream, his brother died in Seattle, WA, engulfed in flames. During the Covid pandemic, Seattle experienced destructive riots. Other visions aligned with reality, revealing connections between the two. Though the message, in the other dreams, had not yet fully revealed itself in reality, the world was beginning to move toward it.

The Significance of Prophetic Dreams

The prophetic dream of the founder’s brother’s death happened around March 2002 and the first prophetic dreams occurred in the 1980’s. This re-evaluation affirmed the founder’s purpose—bringing this sacred knowledge to the world.

Skepticism and Affirmation

Encounters with the divine and other spiritual beings left the messenger skeptical, even though his role had shifted. Were they real or just in his head? After stepping away from the spiritual world and all related activity for over a decade, the messenger had time to reflect on those encounters. He resolved during this period of reflection that many of the encounters were shared with other collaborating witnesses. Paired with the fact that he had met others with the same knowledge and the affirmation during Covid, he began to organize this information into the Omnilestial Codex.

Why the Time is Now: the Urgency of the Omnilestial Codex

The Global Calling of Messengers

While organizing this information and further reflection, the messenger learned that, relatively few in number, many messengers were chosen around the world—all entrusted with the same task of bringing this knowledge to humanity. The revelation affirmed that the divine sources recognized unique traits or potential within every chosen messenger—whether tied to their soul or other qualities is known only by the divine. The timing of this revelation suggests that the world is now in need of the guidance contained within the Omnilestial Codex.

Seeking Deeper Understanding

The full story of the messenger’s journey and revelations can be found in the Omnilestial Codex, for those who seek deeper understanding.


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